Stefan & Yanli's Fitness Journey

Stefan & Yanli are the winners of the Overall (TEAM) category for BTC I - the very first winners of the TEAM category!

Stefan and Yanli joined the RISE Method challenge together.

Stefan wanted to get back in shape after a long break and some injuries.

Yanli wanted to change her body shape and gain more physical and mental strength.

They both found the app easy to use and loved how it helped them stay on track.

Stefan's biggest win was gaining back a lot of strength and losing a few kilograms.

He felt much better, his resting heart rate went down, and he started thinking more clearly.

He turned exercising into a regular habit again.

Despite his shoulder injury, he could easily substitute exercises in the app to avoid pain.

His advice is simple:

"You just have to do it. Exercise is important for so much more than looks. There is never a perfect time to start. Just start. Make a healthy diet and exercise routine a habit rather than a temporary fad."

Yanli's biggest win was learning many workout programs and gaining a lot of muscle.

She found the app very easy to use with many exercises to choose from.

Her main challenge was food.

She didn’t track her intake and often overate.

Despite this, she made significant progress.

Yanli's advice is straightforward: "Start now."

Together, Stefan and Yanli's journey shows the power of commitment and the support of a good program.

If you're ready to change your life, join the next BTC with the RISE Method


Click here to join now!

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