Stan's Fitness Journey

Why did you join the RISE Method?

I was at my lowest point in my life from loosing my wife and mum and my stepson dimitrios Deske suggested l join the challenge to get my life back on track so l did and must say it's probably saved my life to some extent and has given me the confidence in moving forward.

What do you like about the program?

I like the support that I've been getting from the community hub and Steve's knowledge is second to none.

What was your biggest win?

Before the challenge l could hardly walk to my letter box and now l can walk 10,000 steps a day and l can breathe again.

What was your biggest challenge?

At 63 years off age the biggest challenge was training my brain to believe that l could do this and not give up like l have done all of my life. What would you say to someone who was about to start their fitness journey? Give it a chance or you will stay in a rut and miss out on extra quality years to your life and just believe in yourself.

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