Sheri's Fitness Journey

Sheri joined the RISE Method initially to look good in a bikini for her month-long trip to Asia in October. But in reality, she knew it was time to take control and improve her health.

She found the program to be incredibly flexible and sustainable, with a user-friendly app that suited her lifestyle. She also appreciated the support from the group and from Steve.

Her biggest win was achieving conscious consistency, increasing her strength, and losing weight. Sheri developed a new outlook on challenges, becoming more mindful of what she ate and how much she moved. This awareness has transformed her daily habits and overall health.

Sheri faced a few challenges, like not always reaching her goal of 10,000 steps or four workouts per week. However, she always made sure to do something. She enjoyed a glass of wine occasionally, fitting it into her nutrition plan mindfully.

Sheri's advice to anyone starting their fitness journey is:

"Don’t waste another minute. RISE is one of the easiest plans to follow. With the app, the nutrition plan, and the many workout plans to choose from, there's something for everyone. Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, build muscle, or just have flexibility to fit your lifestyle, this program works."

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